Please note that Meadowvale East Apostolic Church reserves the right to update and enforce these rules with/without prior notice at its sole discretion.
  1. The use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs is not permitted at any time on the Church grounds or while camp is in progress (e.g. field trips).
  2. Campers are required to share the responsibility of maintaining the camp facilities.  Campers are asked to help keep the grounds litter-free.
  3. Campers are encouraged to handle the property of others with reasonable care.  Campers will be held personally liable for damage to another camper's property or the camp facilities.
  4. As a rule, campers are expected to maintain a modest appearance.  If the Pastor considers a camper’s style of dress to be insufficient, then that camper must defer to the Pastor's judgement.  If a camper's style of dress is considered inappropriate he/she will be expected to change.
    • Girls: Skirts that are too short, halter-tops or bare midriffs are not acceptable.  A combination skirt with shorts underneath will be required for young ladies during general sporting activities.
    • Boys: For sporting activities, young men must wear a T-shirt, and shorts.
    • Swimming:  Campers are asked to be modest in their swimming apparel: one-piece swimsuit for females and full size trunks for males.
  5. Pranks will not be tolerated. Campers violating this rule will be liable for damage done and will be subject to disciplinary actions, which may include being suspended from future camps.  Be aware that pranks often pose health risks.