At Meadowvale East Apostolic Church, we have seen and witnessed the mighty power of God during the last 12 years, but more so in the last couple months, there has been a greater move of the Spirit of God as He anointed his menservants to preach and teach God's word just like the Apostles did on the day of Pentecost. The Spirit of God has so saturated the services at 1510 Warden Ave, that many have been anointed, appointed, delivered and set-free from the bondage of sin.
Sister P came to our church approximately 3 months ago as a sceptic, not knowing what to expect. She came from a family of Apostolics but never gave herself to God nor had any real interest in the getting to know the God of all the ages. She came just to check out the services at the invitation of her sister, but something happened that caused a dramatic turn in her life. Something that she did not expect, something that she did not understand, but the love of God took hold of her and anointed her and gave to her a praise in her lips for the wonderful working of the Spirit of God in action.
On March 25th Sister P was having breakfast with a close friend of many years. After a couple of hours, she abruptly got up and said “you know what, I do not know about you, but I am going to Church;” and so she did. When it was time for alter call she felt a strong urge to proceed to the alter for prayer, which she did. As she was there, God spoke to her and told her she had work to do. Normally Sister P would dismiss this, but the work was relevant to her and so she listened. The work was to right a desperately difficult period in her family’s life that started about 30 years ago. Sister P was convicted that she must acquiesce to God’s request.
However, the task was daunting and she knew somehow in her heart she needed the power of this “Holy Ghost” she kept hearing about. She told God, that the mission was impossible and she does not know how to do it. At that very moment she heard Elder Steele say “by the power of God get up out of that chair” (in reference to a member who was wheelchair bound and was told he would never walk). He got up! And then she heard these words “by the power of God walk!” Sister P watched in awe as the member took six steps, it was slow, but he walked. Everyone was running back from the parking lot, to the sanctuary, to see this miracle, but Sister P stood still and watched from the back of the church, as she believed that this God was saying to her, that even though the task he had assigned was difficult, she could do it, because he would be with her.
Sister P was baptised in the precious name of Jesus Christ one week later and experienced several other manifestations of God moving in her life. In the last few months Sister P had nightly encounters with God, some extremely profound, some truly scary, but all confirmed for her unequivocally that God is real. For example Sister P loves to sing and in her day could really belt out a tune; but she had noticed over the years that she was losing her voice. However, in one of her first experiences with God, he anointed her lips. In a vision Sister P saw a bright light coming down as if from heaven and it sat upon her lips and then scattered in all directions. She heard a voice speaking in another language and she turned her head to the left because she was not sure if she was speaking or if there was another presence. Since that day Sister P’s voice started to change and her ear became very sensitive to different voices in the Church. For Sis P though, the most profound experience was when she looked upon the face of an angel in her vision – the being could only be described as glorious.
This same Spirit of God in Action is still being experienced, that has enabled men and women everywhere to be freed from their sins and be filled with the only life giving power, the power of the Holy Ghost.
Come and experience The Holy Ghost in Action, Now!
God Bless You,
Pastor McGann