By Pastor McGann on Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Category: From Pastor's Desk

The Holy Ghost (Spirit) in Action - Scene 33: Acts 14:17 - 28 - Paul's 1st Missionary Journey in Lystra and Derbe

As Paul continued his first missionary journey throughout Asia Minor, the Spirit of God in action used Paul mightily to preach the word of God, and great miracles resulted in all the cities he visited.

In Lystra, he was stoned by a mob comprised of Jews from Antioch and Iconium, and then dragged outside the city on the supposition that he was dead through the stoning. The scripture says that the disciples stood around Paul ( and I believed, prayed), and after a while, Paul rose up and came back into the city, and the next day he and Barnabas left for the city of Derbe.

When they got to Derbe, they did the same as they did before, preached the gospel of Jesus Christ, to many who became converts, and they went back again to Lystra (the same city where he was stoned) and to Iconium and Antioch. In these cities Paul encouraged the disciples and strengthed them to remain true to the faith, and told them, "that we must through hardship and much tribulation enter the kingdom of God".

The scripture says that Paul and Barnabas then appointed Elders in every church and through prayers and fasting committed them to the work of the Lord on whom they believed. They then left and went through Pisidia and came to the province of Pamphylia, where Paul preached the word in the town of Perga and moved on to the city of Attalia. From there they sailed back to Antioch (their headquarters), where they initially committed themselves to the work of the Lord having completed their first missionary journey.

In Antioch, they gathered the church together and reported to the saints and brethren all that God had done through them and how the Lord had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles. Paul stayed there a long time with the disciples before going on his second missionary journey.
Readers of this blog, what happened to Apostle Paul in AD 45 on his first missionary journey in Asia Minor, is still happening today in various parts of the world, whenever the only true gospel is preached – persecution and trials. If you want to know more about this life changing message,
please contact us or telephone 1 416-385-1140 Pastor Mcgann