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The Holy Ghost (Spirit in Action - Scene 20 - Acts 9:36 - 43 - Peter Raises Dorcas

 In our text this week, we see once again a demonstration of the Spirit of God in action, using the Apostle Peter to miraculously raise a dead woman in the city of Joppa.The scripture says that this famous follower of Jesus, Tabitha (fondly known as Dorcas), was full of good works, but she became ill and died. The disciples heard that Peter was nearby in the city of Lydda and sent for him, to come urgently to Joppa. Apostle Peter arose immediately and went with the men who came to get him, to the home where Dorcas’ body laid; the widows were weeping, showing the coats which Dorcas made while she was alive.Dr. Luke reported that when Apostle Peter saw this...

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